


學分學程名稱 招生對象 設立學年度 備註
台灣與近代世界跨領域學程 學、碩士班 94學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過  
文化、傳播與現代社會學程 學士班 95學年度第1學期第1次教務會議通過 102學年度第1學期起停止辦理
勞動與社會政策學程 學士班 94學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 101學年度第1學期起停止辦理
創意學程 學士班 95學年度第1學期第1次教務會議通過 自100學年度起轉型為「X」書院
華語文教學學程 學、碩、博士班 94學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過  
人文學程 學士班 94學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 97學年度起停止辦理
中國大陸研究跨領域學程 學士班 95學年度第2學期第1次教務會議通過 大二以上
東北亞語言與文化學程 學、碩、博士班 95學年度第2學期第1次教務會議通過 105學年度第1學期起停止辦理
斯拉夫語文學程 學、碩、博士班 95學年度第2學期第1次教務會議通過  
中東語言與文化學程 學、碩、博士班 94學年度第1學期第2次教務會議通過 105學年度第1學期起停止辦理
調查研究方法菁英學分學程 學士班 95學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 101學年度第1學期起停止辦理
社會科學榮譽學程 學士班 95學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 101學年度第1學期起停止辦理
歐洲語言與文化學程 學、碩、博士班 93學年度第2學期第1次教務會議通過 101學年度第1學期起停止辦理
國際事務學院涉外事務與談判學程 學士班 95學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 大二以上,外交系學生不得申請
外語傳播第二專長學程 學、碩、博士班 95學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 大二以上
英語商管學程ETP 學士班 91學年度第1學期第2次教務會議通過 大一新生
英語文榮譽學程 學士班 92學年度第1學期第2次教務會議通過 106學年度第1學期起停止辦理
人文榮譽學程 學士班 88學年度第2學期教務會議通過 96學年度起停止辦理
法律與會計碩士學程 碩、博士班 92學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 限本校會計系碩士班學生及法學院碩、博士班學生
藝術產業經營學程 碩士班 91學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 101學年度第1學期起停止辦理
生物科技管理學程 學、碩士班 91學年度第1學期第1次教務會議通過 大學部學生需徵得授課老師同意
性別研究跨領域學程 學、碩、博士班 95學年度第2學期第1次教務會議通過  
台灣人文數位典藏與應用學程 學、碩、博士班 96學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 101學年度第1學期起停止辦理
東南亞語文學分學程 學、碩、博士班 97學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 106學年度第1學期起停止辦理
日本研究碩士學分學程 學、碩士班 98學年度第1學期第2次教務會議通過 自100學年度設立碩士學位學程,本學程停止辦理
專利學分學程 學、碩、博士班 98學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過  
歐洲聯盟研究碩士學分學程 碩士班 98學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 102學年度第1學期停止辦理
全球政府採購學分學程 學、碩士班 98學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 105學年度第1學期起停止辦理
翻譯與跨文化學分學程 學、碩、博士班 99學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過 大二以上
供應鏈管理學分學程 學、碩士班 99學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過  
數理財務學分學程 學士班 99學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過  
語言、認知與大腦學分學程 學、碩士班 100學年度第1學期第2次教務會議決議通過  
社會創新領袖學分學程 學士班 100學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過  
博雅榮譽學分學程 學士班 100學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過  
外語專長商管學分學程 學士班 101學年度第1學期第2次教務會議決議通過 非商學院且具備一定外語專長之學生申請


學士班 101學年度第2學期第1次教務會議決議通過 105學年度第1學期起暫停招生
電子物理學分學程 學、碩、博士班 102學年度第2學期第2次教務會議通過  
國際經貿談判人才培育跨校學分學程 學、碩士班 104學年度第1學期第2次教務會議通過 105學年度第1學期起停止辦理
國際事務學院英語授課學分學程 學士班 105學年度第1學期第2次教務會議決議通過  
傳播學院國際傳播英語學分學程 學士班 105學年度第1學期第2次教務會議決議通過  
社會科學學院英語授課學分學程 學士班 105學年度第1學期第2次教務會議決議通過  


公告教務處114年2月6日(四) 國立中正大學碩士班招生考試期間,服務資訊。/Service Adjustment of the Academic Affairs Office on February 6, 2025, Due to the postgraduate admission examination of National Chung Cheng University.

114年2月6日(四) 配合中正大學碩士班招生考試,教務處支援試務工作,安排一至二位同仁留守及協助服務。










2024 Teacher Mentorship Spring Subsidy Program Final Outcomes Sharing Event: Invitation for Teachers to Sign up and Participate

The Teacher Mentorship Program offer two subsidy applications each year. The mentorship aims to establish a support system for new faculty by having senior and outstanding teachers guide and assist new teachers in integrating into the campus and carrying out teaching, research, service and other responsibilities.

In the 2024 Spring Program, a total of twelve groups of teachers have participated. During the final sharing Event, participants will share and exchange thoughts on their mentorship experiences~

Event time: December 17, 2020 (Tuesday) 12:00~14:30 noon

Location: Alumni Service Center

Registration URL: https://reurl.cc/NlMNR9

Event website: https://learning.nccu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/2647





🎓 想知道如何透過教務資源推動老師您的創新課程嗎?



11:50-12:10 入場報到

12:10-12:20 教務長開幕致詞

12:20-12:30 教學創新成果導覽

12:30~ 自由觀覽


開幕時間:12/12(四) 12:10-12:30

海報展期:12月12日(四)- 12月19日(四)







 2024 Teaching Innovation Course Achievement Poster Exhibition

 💡 Have you ever wondered what the future of learning will be like?

🎓 Would you like to know how to promote your innovative courses through educational resources?

In today's gradual transformation of higher education, the integration of flexible curricula and innovative courses brings new possibilities for learning methods. This poster exhibition will focus on the design and application of innovative courses, showcasing how these courses break traditional frameworks and offer students more diverse and flexible learning options.

Event Schedule:

11:50-12:10 Registration

12:10-12:20 Opening Remarks by the Dean of Academic Affairs

12:20-12:30 Tour of Teaching Innovation Achievements

12:30~ Free Viewing

Opening Time: December 12 (Thursday) 12:10-12:30

Poster Exhibition Duration: December 12(Thursday) - December 19 (Thursday)

Exhibition location: 2nd Floor Lobby of the Administration Building

Registration URL: https://reurl.cc/r3axXb

Organizer: Academic Affairs Office, Course Division

*Lunch boxes are available for confirmed registrants first. After the event begins, they will be offered to waitlisted participants if available.

Contact: Ms. Chen, Extension: 63295

✨經驗分享 ◆ 社群交流✨









2024 Teacher Teaching Development Communities Final Presentation

Join us for the annual final presentation for our teacher teaching development communities!

New faculty members and those interested in working with others on lesson planning are warmly welcomed.
[Event Information]

Date: December 18 (Wednesday), 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Seminar Room, AI Center, 8th Floor, Administration Building

Registration: https://reurl.cc/A2xOEZ

For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Huang at CTLD (internal extension 62865).





















The General Education Teaching Experience Sharing Session - "From TA to Teacher"

Time: December 17 (Tuesday), 12:10-13:30

Venue: The 5th Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Administration Building

Speaker: Prof. Jen-Tzu Huang (Associate Professor, Department of History)


The Center of General Education has specially invited outstanding teacher of general education, Prof. Jen-Tzu Huang to share her valuable teaching experiences and insights. We warmly welcome all teachers, students, and teaching assistants to actively sign up and join us in gaining a deeper understanding of teaching and learning in General Education Courses!


What is the dish that represents Taiwan in your opinion?

How did the hand-shaken tea (Bubble Tea) become famous and popular both domestically and internationally?

Taiwan is known as the "Kingdom of Fruits." Besides pineapples and bananas, do you know what other fruits have brought glory to the country?

Besides vegetables, meat, and seafood, what other Taiwanese hidden agricultural treasures can we find in local markets?


Prof. Huang's Humanities General Education Course, "Terroir and Agro-food in Taiwan History," has received high praise from students. This sharing session will introduce how the course guides students to explore the intersection of agricultural products and local food culture by examining what is "eaten" at the daily dining table. It also helps students understand the relationship between Taiwan's unique natural environment and agriculture, prompting them to reflect on the interactions and significance of humans, living organisms, the local environment, food, and social culture. In addition to the course design, integration of topics into teaching, hands-on assignments, and feedback, Professor Huang will generously share her experiences of "From TA to Teacher" – teaching and leading discussion-based classes. We warmly invite interested students, teaching assistants, and faculty to actively sign up and join us for an insightful exchange!


🍽Lunch boxes will be provided for this event. We sincerely look forward to the presence of all faculty, staff, and students at the sharing session! 🍽

👉👉Sign up now:https://reurl.cc/xpgXde

※This event will be conducted in Chinese.














[Experience Sharing Session of Self-Directed Learning College General Education Course]

Have you ever heard your classmates talking about how cool it is to apply for courses on their own?
But what exactly is the Self-Directed Learning College General Education Course?
Some classmates spend weekends doing field research or participating in extracurricular activities for self-learning.

Do you want to make your university life more fulfilling and exciting?
Do you hope to find your dreams during your four years of university life?
We warmly invite you to participate in the experience-sharing session hold by the students who have taken these courses.

If you are interested in such courses and learning methods, take some time to attend the session. It may inspire you in planning for your future!

Time: December 19 (Thursday), 12:10 PM–13:30 PM
Venue: Conference Room 5, 7th floor, Administration Building
Contact: Ms. Chang (Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它)
Online Registration: https://reurl.cc/vpgmG1

Note: Lunch boxes are limited and will be prioritized for confirmed participants.

Feel free to join and gain insights into how these courses can make your university journey more fulfilling!




地點:電算中心地下1樓 智慧教室 (140011)


14:50-15:00 入場報到

15:00-15:05 教務長開場致詞

15:05-16:00 學分學程經營面分享

16:00-16:30 微學程經營面分享

16:30-17:00 交流時間


We sincerely invite all faculty and staff of our university to explore the various possibilities for the future of higher education. This program forum will focus on program management, offering a platform to discuss new possibilities and innovative developments in program management under the future flexible education system.


Time: December 20 (Friday), 15:00 - 17:00

Location: Computer Center, Basement 1, Smart Classroom (140011)



14:50 - 15:00: Registration

15:00 - 15:05: Opening Remarks by the Dean of Academic Affairs

15:05 - 16:00: Sharing on Credit Program Management

16:00 - 16:30: Sharing on Micro Program Management

16:30 - 17:00: Networking and Discussion

Registration closes on December 13 (Friday) at 12:00 noon. We encourage all faculty and staff to participate enthusiastically.

👉 [Click here to register]





展期一:p.m. 12:00-18:00 Dec. 18, 2024

展期二:a.m. 10:00-18:00 Dec. 19, 2024



Self-Direct Learning Project “Introduction to Humanities and Tea Science: Basic Sensory Evaluation” Final Exhibition at the 2nd Tea Art and Culture Exchange Exhibition.


The semester projects from the Tea Culture Pathways group of the course “Introduction to Humanities and Tea Science: Basic Sensory Evaluation” will be presented in the 2nd Tea Art and Culture Exchange Exhibition. Kindly invite all of you to visit the exhibition and contemplate the imagination and future of ‘tea culture' together. Students have combined what they’ve learned in class, incorporating elements such as mindfulness-based stress reduction, sensory healing, and their personal interests—such as photography, Tai Chi, and bartending—with "tea," enriching and interpreting the practice of tea culture and aesthetics.

The 2nd Tea Art and Culture Exchange Exhibition

Exhibition Schedule:

Period One: December 18, 2024: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Period Two: December 19, 2024: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Location: Xin Chuan 95 (Garage Coffee)


Over the two-day exhibition, we will showcase the tea ceremony aesthetics and designs from various schools and organizations including Taiwanese tea art displays and Japanese matcha utensils. The semester projects from the Tea Culture Pathways group of the course “Introduction to Humanities and Tea Science: Basic Sensory Evaluation” will also be presented in the exhibition. The NCCU Calligraphy Club is invited to join us in this event, which adds a special touch to the exhibition. During the tea gathering, we will use the crops and teas from petty farmers who are practicing friendly farming in Maokong and the Greater Wenshan area. We look forward to conveying the concept of 'food and agriculture education' to the public through practical actions and a solid theoretical foundation.


教務處114學年度 學期週數調整推動公聽會/Public Hearing for Proposal to Adjust Semester Length to 16 Weeks for the 2025 Academic Year




















教務處 敬啟