




(一)   請教師於政大首頁愛政大(iNCCU)登入,點選 「校務系統Web入口」「教師資訊系統」「教師成績輸入」,進入後點選「科目」輸入成績。教師送出成績前,建議使用寄發成績資料給同學之功能,如學生對成績並無疑義,再送出成績。

(二)   成績系統為輸入學生成績總分,二位以上教師合開科目如欲以系統輸入成績,請教師協調其中一位教師於成績系統輸入總分;若採個別評分,請逕送成績報告單至教務處註冊組並註明評分所佔成績總分百分比例。


(一)   配合教學意見調查時程,各科目成績開始送交日為11416日(一),教師可透過學校成績系統登錄成績。

(二)   本學期科目成績繳交截止日為11424日(二)。請教師務必依限繳交,俾便學生查詢成績及執行排名作業。

(三)   另依學則第25條第4項規定,教師逾期限未能繳交全部成績,由教務處通知授課教師,並副知開課學系(所、學程)主任協助催繳,逾規定期限一週仍未補交成績者,上網公告教師名單。請授課教師特別留意。


(一)   本校成績評定除經教務會議通過採通過/不通過方式評分之科目外,以百分制辦理。

(二)   學士班學生修習學士班或碩、博士班科目者,請依限繳交成績,不可評定「I成績未評定」;碩、博士班學生修習碩、博士班科目,得以先評定「I成績未評定」,但至遲應於次學期期末考試開始前完成成績評定。

(三)   配合各校成績作業時程,校際選課學生成績須依限繳交,不可評定為「I成績未評定」。

(四)   二位以上教師合開或教師為詳備註科目,將另送紙本成績報告單。





Guidelines for Grade Submission Procedures for the Fall Semester of the Academic Year 2024

Dear Faculty Members,


In accordance with the university calendar, the final exam period for the fall semester of the academic year 2024 (hereinafter referred to as "this semester") is scheduled from January 6, Monday to January 10, Friday, 2025. To facilitate the final exam process and student grade submission, the relevant details are as follows. Your cooperation in handling these matters is greatly appreciated:


1.Special Arrangements Due to COVID-19:

Students experiencing complications (moderate to severe symptoms) due to COVID-19 may apply for "Epidemic Isolation Leave" based on the dates specified on their quarantine notice. Please ensure that such absences are not counted as unexcused absences and adopt a flexible approach to final grade assessments.


2.Grade Submission System:

(1) Faculty should log in to the "iNCCU" portal via the NCCU homepage. Select " Campus Web info. portal (NCCU Information System)," followed by "Faculty," and then "Grade Input." Once inside, select the relevant subject to input grades. Before submitting grades, it is recommended to use the feature to notify students of their grades. Submit the grades when no discrepancies are reported by the students.

(2) For courses co-taught by two or more instructors, one instructor should be designated to input the total grades into the system. If individual grading is preferred, please submit a grade report to the Registration Section of the Office of Academic Affairs, specifying the percentage weight of each grading component.


3.Grade Submission Deadlines:

(1) Grades can be submitted starting January 6, Monday, 2025, following the timeline for the course evaluation survey. Faculty may log grades via the university's grading system.

(2) The deadline for grade submission for this semester is February 4, Tuesday, 2025. Please adhere to this deadline to enable students to review their grades and facilitate ranking procedures.

(3) Per Article 25, Section 4 of the university regulations, if grades are not submitted by the deadline, the Office of Academic Affairs will notify the instructor and inform the department chair to assist with follow-up. Instructors who fail to submit grades within one week of the extended deadline will have their names publicly announced. Please take special note of this policy.


4.Grade Assessment Guidelines:

(1) Except for courses approved by the Academic Affairs Conference to use a Pass/Fail grading system, grades should be submitted using a percentage scale.

(2) Undergraduate students taking undergraduate, master's, or doctoral courses must have their grades submitted by the deadline. The grade "I (Incomplete)" cannot be assigned. However, master's or doctoral students may receive an "I" grade for master's or doctoral courses, provided the final grade is completed no later than the start of the next semester's final exam period.

(3) Inter-university course selection grades for students must be submitted within the deadline and cannot be marked as "I (Incomplete)."

(4) For courses co-taught by two or more instructors or courses for which instructors provide detailed annotations, a hard copy of the grade report will be provided separately.


5.Outstanding "I" Grades from the spring Semester of the Academic Year 2024:

For master's or doctoral courses taken in the spring semester of the academic year 2024 where "I (Incomplete)" grades were previously assigned or grades were not submitted, instructors must complete the grading process by January 3, Friday, 2025.


6.Grade Corrections:

If calculation or entry errors are identified after grade submission, instructors must follow procedures to apply for grade corrections. Corrections must be completed no later than the deadline for the leave of absence in the following semester. For undergraduate grade corrections submitted within one week of the first day of classes in the next semester, the updated grades may be included in the ranking process. However, corrections submitted after the ranking deadline will not affect the current semester's rankings to ensure fairness to other students.


If instructors have any questions regarding the use of the grading system, please contact Ms. Lin Wan-Ting from the Registration Section (ext. 63276).