(一) 請教師於政大首頁愛政大(iNCCU)登入,點選 「校務系統Web入口」「教師資訊系統」「教師成績輸入」,進入後點選「科目」輸入成績。教師送出成績前,建議使用寄發成績資料給同學之功能,如學生對成績並無疑義,再送出成績。
(二) 成績系統為輸入學生成績總分,二位以上教師合開科目如欲以系統輸入成績,請教師協調其中一位教師於成績系統輸入總分;若採個別評分,請逕送成績報告單至教務處註冊組並註明評分所佔成績總分百分比例。
(一) 配合教學意見調查時程,各科目成績開始送交日為114年1月6日(一),教師可透過學校成績系統登錄成績。
(二) 本學期科目成績繳交截止日為114年2月4日(二)。請教師務必依限繳交,俾便學生查詢成績及執行排名作業。
(三) 另依學則第25條第4項規定,教師逾期限未能繳交全部成績,由教務處通知授課教師,並副知開課學系(所、學程)主任協助催繳,逾規定期限一週仍未補交成績者,上網公告教師名單。請授課教師特別留意。
(一) 本校成績評定除經教務會議通過採通過/不通過方式評分之科目外,以百分制辦理。
(二) 學士班學生修習學士班或碩、博士班科目者,請依限繳交成績,不可評定「I成績未評定」;碩、博士班學生修習碩、博士班科目,得以先評定「I成績未評定」,但至遲應於次學期期末考試開始前完成成績評定。
(三) 配合各校成績作業時程,校際選課學生成績須依限繳交,不可評定為「I成績未評定」。
(四) 二位以上教師合開或教師為詳備註科目,將另送紙本成績報告單。
Guidelines for Grade Submission Procedures for the Fall Semester of the Academic Year 2024
Dear Faculty Members,
In accordance with the university calendar, the final exam period for the fall semester of the academic year 2024 (hereinafter referred to as "this semester") is scheduled from January 6, Monday to January 10, Friday, 2025. To facilitate the final exam process and student grade submission, the relevant details are as follows. Your cooperation in handling these matters is greatly appreciated:
1.Special Arrangements Due to COVID-19:
Students experiencing complications (moderate to severe symptoms) due to COVID-19 may apply for "Epidemic Isolation Leave" based on the dates specified on their quarantine notice. Please ensure that such absences are not counted as unexcused absences and adopt a flexible approach to final grade assessments.
2.Grade Submission System:
(1) Faculty should log in to the "iNCCU" portal via the NCCU homepage. Select " Campus Web info. portal (NCCU Information System)," followed by "Faculty," and then "Grade Input." Once inside, select the relevant subject to input grades. Before submitting grades, it is recommended to use the feature to notify students of their grades. Submit the grades when no discrepancies are reported by the students.
(2) For courses co-taught by two or more instructors, one instructor should be designated to input the total grades into the system. If individual grading is preferred, please submit a grade report to the Registration Section of the Office of Academic Affairs, specifying the percentage weight of each grading component.
3.Grade Submission Deadlines:
(1) Grades can be submitted starting January 6, Monday, 2025, following the timeline for the course evaluation survey. Faculty may log grades via the university's grading system.
(2) The deadline for grade submission for this semester is February 4, Tuesday, 2025. Please adhere to this deadline to enable students to review their grades and facilitate ranking procedures.
(3) Per Article 25, Section 4 of the university regulations, if grades are not submitted by the deadline, the Office of Academic Affairs will notify the instructor and inform the department chair to assist with follow-up. Instructors who fail to submit grades within one week of the extended deadline will have their names publicly announced. Please take special note of this policy.
4.Grade Assessment Guidelines:
(1) Except for courses approved by the Academic Affairs Conference to use a Pass/Fail grading system, grades should be submitted using a percentage scale.
(2) Undergraduate students taking undergraduate, master's, or doctoral courses must have their grades submitted by the deadline. The grade "I (Incomplete)" cannot be assigned. However, master's or doctoral students may receive an "I" grade for master's or doctoral courses, provided the final grade is completed no later than the start of the next semester's final exam period.
(3) Inter-university course selection grades for students must be submitted within the deadline and cannot be marked as "I (Incomplete)."
(4) For courses co-taught by two or more instructors or courses for which instructors provide detailed annotations, a hard copy of the grade report will be provided separately.
5.Outstanding "I" Grades from the spring Semester of the Academic Year 2024:
For master's or doctoral courses taken in the spring semester of the academic year 2024 where "I (Incomplete)" grades were previously assigned or grades were not submitted, instructors must complete the grading process by January 3, Friday, 2025.
6.Grade Corrections:
If calculation or entry errors are identified after grade submission, instructors must follow procedures to apply for grade corrections. Corrections must be completed no later than the deadline for the leave of absence in the following semester. For undergraduate grade corrections submitted within one week of the first day of classes in the next semester, the updated grades may be included in the ranking process. However, corrections submitted after the ranking deadline will not affect the current semester's rankings to ensure fairness to other students.
If instructors have any questions regarding the use of the grading system, please contact Ms. Lin Wan-Ting from the Registration Section (ext. 63276).
計畫書下載 | 預算表下載 | 申請表下載 | 期中執行報告書 | 成果報告書
計畫書下載 | 申請書下載 | 期中執行報告書 | 成果報告書
112學年度第1學期各式補助方案相關資料 |
教學創新課程補助計畫 |
總整課程補助計畫 |
跨領域學分學程補助計畫 |
計畫書下載|申請書下載|核定清單 | 計畫書下載|申請書下載|核定清單 | 計畫書下載|申請書下載|核定清單 |
112學年度第2學期各式補助方案相關資料 |
教學創新課程補助計畫 |
總整課程補助計畫 |
跨領域學分學程補助計畫 |
計畫書下載|申請書下載|核定清單|成果報告 | 計畫書下載|申請書下載|核定清單 | 計畫書下載|申請書下載|核定清單 |
113學年度第1學期各式補助方案相關資料 |
教學創新課程補助計畫 |
總整課程補助計畫 |
跨領域學分學程補助計畫 |
計畫書下載|申請書下載|核定清單|成果報告 | 計畫書下載|申請書下載|成果報告|核定清單 | 計畫書下載|申請書下載|成果報告書|期中報告|核定清單 |
教師社群 |
微學程補助計畫 |
計畫書下載|申請書下載|成果報告書 | 計畫書下載|預算表下載|成果報告書 |
2024 Teacher Mentorship Spring Subsidy Program Final Outcomes Sharing Event: Invitation for Teachers to Sign up and Participate
The Teacher Mentorship Program offer two subsidy applications each year. The mentorship aims to establish a support system for new faculty by having senior and outstanding teachers guide and assist new teachers in integrating into the campus and carrying out teaching, research, service and other responsibilities.
In the 2024 Spring Program, a total of twelve groups of teachers have participated. During the final sharing Event, participants will share and exchange thoughts on their mentorship experiences~
Event time: December 17, 2020 (Tuesday) 12:00~14:30 noon
Location: Alumni Service Center
Registration URL: https://reurl.cc/NlMNR9
Event website: https://learning.nccu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/2647
New Faculty Christmas Lunch Party
Exchange experiences! Exchange gifts!
Remember the gathering at New Faculty Orientation? We look forward to reconnecting for the annual New Faculty Christmas Lunch Party!
Through a gift exchange activity, let’s share experiences and insights with each other.
New faculty members are warmly invited to sign up and join us!
Date: December 24, 2024 (Tuesday), 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Location: President’s Residence, Daonan New Village (No. 29, Lane 25, Section 1, Xinguang Road)
Participants: A total of 30 new faculty members from the past three years
Event Plan:
Gift Exchange Activity: Please bring a well-packaged gift valued at around 500 NTD to participate. Please deliver the gift to the Center for Teaching and Learning Development by Friday noon, December 20 to allow time for packaging.
Gift Restrictions:
Avoid items such as tissue paper (sanitary products), live organisms, dangerous items, prank toys, and second-hand items.
Registration URL:https://reurl.cc/dyRe9q
Event URL:https://learning.nccu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/2669
🎓 想知道如何透過教務資源推動老師您的創新課程嗎?
11:50-12:10 入場報到
12:10-12:20 教務長開幕致詞
12:20-12:30 教學創新成果導覽
12:30~ 自由觀覽
開幕時間:12/12(四) 12:10-12:30
海報展期:12月12日(四)- 12月19日(四)
2024 Teaching Innovation Course Achievement Poster Exhibition
💡 Have you ever wondered what the future of learning will be like?
🎓 Would you like to know how to promote your innovative courses through educational resources?
In today's gradual transformation of higher education, the integration of flexible curricula and innovative courses brings new possibilities for learning methods. This poster exhibition will focus on the design and application of innovative courses, showcasing how these courses break traditional frameworks and offer students more diverse and flexible learning options.
Event Schedule:
11:50-12:10 Registration
12:10-12:20 Opening Remarks by the Dean of Academic Affairs
12:20-12:30 Tour of Teaching Innovation Achievements
12:30~ Free Viewing
Opening Time: December 12 (Thursday) 12:10-12:30
Poster Exhibition Duration: December 12(Thursday) - December 19 (Thursday)
Exhibition location: 2nd Floor Lobby of the Administration Building
Registration URL: https://reurl.cc/r3axXb
Organizer: Academic Affairs Office, Course Division
*Lunch boxes are available for confirmed registrants first. After the event begins, they will be offered to waitlisted participants if available.
Contact: Ms. Chen, Extension: 63295
活動時間: 113/12/11(三)15:10-17:00
如有任何垂詢,請洽業務承辦人 (分機62869)
A Briefing on the New Hiring System for Part-Time Administrative Assistants and TAs will be held on December 11, 2024.
The new Hiring System for Part-Time Administrative Assistants and Teaching Assistants (TAs) will be launched on January 7, 2025. The hiring process will be adjusted accordingly. A Briefing on the New Hiring System for Part-Time Administrative Assistants and TAs will be held. Department coordinators, faculty members planning to hire TAs, and students interested in becoming TAs or administrative assistants are warmly invited to register and attend.
Event time: December 11, 2024 (Wednesday) 15:10-17:00
Event location: 1st Conference Room, 7th Floor, Administration Building + Webex Online Meeting
In-person spots: 110 people, 1st Conference Room, 7th Floor, Administration Building
Online spots: 300 people, Webex Online Meeting (Meeting link will be sent one day prior to the event)
The event will be conducted in Chinese.
Event registration website: https://reurl.cc/zp8vay
For inquiries, please contact the organizer (ext. 62869).
✨經驗分享 ◆ 社群交流✨
2024 Teacher Teaching Development Communities Final Presentation
Join us for the annual final presentation for our teacher teaching development communities!
New faculty members and those interested in working with others on lesson planning are warmly welcomed.
[Event Information]
Date: December 18 (Wednesday), 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Seminar Room, AI Center, 8th Floor, Administration Building
Registration: https://reurl.cc/A2xOEZ
For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Huang at CTLD (internal extension 62865).
The General Education Teaching Experience Sharing Session - "From TA to Teacher"
Time: December 17 (Tuesday), 12:10-13:30
Venue: The 5th Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Administration Building
Speaker: Prof. Jen-Tzu Huang (Associate Professor, Department of History)
The Center of General Education has specially invited outstanding teacher of general education, Prof. Jen-Tzu Huang to share her valuable teaching experiences and insights. We warmly welcome all teachers, students, and teaching assistants to actively sign up and join us in gaining a deeper understanding of teaching and learning in General Education Courses!
What is the dish that represents Taiwan in your opinion?
How did the hand-shaken tea (Bubble Tea) become famous and popular both domestically and internationally?
Taiwan is known as the "Kingdom of Fruits." Besides pineapples and bananas, do you know what other fruits have brought glory to the country?
Besides vegetables, meat, and seafood, what other Taiwanese hidden agricultural treasures can we find in local markets?
Prof. Huang's Humanities General Education Course, "Terroir and Agro-food in Taiwan History," has received high praise from students. This sharing session will introduce how the course guides students to explore the intersection of agricultural products and local food culture by examining what is "eaten" at the daily dining table. It also helps students understand the relationship between Taiwan's unique natural environment and agriculture, prompting them to reflect on the interactions and significance of humans, living organisms, the local environment, food, and social culture. In addition to the course design, integration of topics into teaching, hands-on assignments, and feedback, Professor Huang will generously share her experiences of "From TA to Teacher" – teaching and leading discussion-based classes. We warmly invite interested students, teaching assistants, and faculty to actively sign up and join us for an insightful exchange!
🍽Lunch boxes will be provided for this event. We sincerely look forward to the presence of all faculty, staff, and students at the sharing session! 🍽
👉👉Sign up now:https://reurl.cc/xpgXde
※This event will be conducted in Chinese.
時間 ▍2024/12/6 (五) 12:30-14:00
地點 ▍Google Meet
老師 ▍李博逸 老師(資訊管理學系 兼任講師)+ 教發中心Moodle諮詢團隊
Please note that the WM5 digital learning platform will be terminated after the end of the 1131 semester. For more details, please refer to the campus announcement.
The Center for Teaching and Learning Development of the Office of Academic Affairs will hold a workshop titled "WM5>>Moodle Secrets Revealed!" on December 6th. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to sign up.
WM5>>Moodle Secrets Revealed!
Time ▍December 6, 2024 (Friday) 12:30-14:00
Location ▍Google Meet
Instructor ▍Dr. Bo-Yi Li (Lecturer, Department of Information Management) + CTLD Moodle Consulting Team Registration ▍https://bit.ly/4hYaUmc
For information on the Computer Center shutdown procedures and backup methods, please refer to the following link: WM5 FAQs
For Moodle operations, please refer to the Moodle User Manual
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Shen at the CTLD (ext. 62405)
敬祝 學安
The NCCU Class Selection Schedule for 2025 Spring Semester (Announcement)
The NCCU Class Selection Schedule for 2025 Spring Semester is posted, please visit the website (http://aca.nccu.edu.tw/download/course/course_schedule(1132).pdf), and follow the procedures to do the on-line enrollment.
Best Regards
Registration Office
(2)手機或平板行動裝置已安裝「行動政大」APP者,請點選「nami」功能鍵。若尚未安裝,請各位同學自行至Google Play(Android系統)或App Store(iOS系統)等線上應用商店免費下載使用,或點選以下網址:
「行動政大」App on the Google Play for Android:
「行動政大」App on the App Store for iOS:
End-of-Semester Course Evaluation Survey Start!
To enhance mutual-understanding between professors and students and to ensure quality of teaching in the university, the “End-of-Semester Course Evaluation Survey” will be started on December 16, 2024 (Monday) and will be ended by January 5, 2025 (Sunday). Please take your time to finish the survey within the deadline.
On NCCU official website www.nccu.edu.tw, log in to“iNCCU”, look for Campus Information System→ Campus Web info. portal →Students→ Academics ,choose “Course Evaluation Survey”system. The direct link would be: https://moltke.nccu.edu.tw/SSO/startApplication?name=inccustucmt
Wish you all the best in the Final Exam!
(三) 因應高等教育發展趨勢,將優先鼓勵發展雙語教學、 SDGs永續發展及「跨領域」、「自主學習」為導向所進行之創新/新興課程方案建構、教學方法探究、教材教具研發、教學效能或教學品質提升、學習評量改善或學生學習成效促進等與教學相關範疇申請案。
The Office of Academic Affairs, Teaching Development Center, is now accepting applications for the Teaching Improvement Experimental Program for the fall semester of the academic year 2024-2505!
The Teaching Improvement Experimental Program for the fall semester of the academic year 2024-2025 is limited to undergraduate courses. Interested faculty members are encouraged to apply!
1.Application Method:Applications must be submitted by the course instructors. After completing the application form, please save the file with the name "1132 Teaching Improvement Experimental Program Application: [Applicant's Name]" and upload the electronic file to https://ta.nccu.edu.tw/.
2.Application Period:From now until 5:00 PM on December 27, 113th year. Late submissions will not be accepted.
3.Priority Areas:In response to trends in higher education development, the program prioritizes proposals focused on bilingual education, SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and those oriented towards "interdisciplinary learning" and "autonomous learning." This includes constructing innovative/new course frameworks, exploring teaching methods, developing teaching materials and tools, improving teaching efficiency or quality, enhancing assessment methods, or promoting student learning outcomes in relevant teaching-related areas.
4.Application Forms:Word document templates can be downloaded from the "Download Section" on the Teaching Development Center website at: https://learning.nccu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/612.
主講人:趙孝萱 博士(何創時書法藝術基金會創時書院院長)
👉👉活動報名系統: https://reurl.cc/vp58ll
I’m Either Viewing an Exhibition or On My Way to One
Time: December 20 (Friday), 12:00-14:00
Venue: The 5th Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Administration Building
Speaker: Dr. Chao Hsiao-Hsuan (Principal, CS Academy, HCS Calligraphy Art Foundation)
Have you been to an art exhibition? Perhaps what comes to mind is a space with paintings hung on the walls.
So, is an art exhibition merely a space where paintings are displayed? The answer is yes, but also no.
Do you really know how to view an art exhibition? You may think, “Isn’t it just looking with your eyes?” Again, the answer is yes, but also no.
To truly understand, we need to develop the discernment to recognize “artists” and “artworks.”
How can we learn to understand an art exhibition?
Are there methods and techniques for appreciating art exhibitions?
Why is it crucial to view the original works of art?
Where can we see these originals?
When facing a piece of art, what steps and layers should we follow to appreciate it?
Let’s go deeper: Why should we even visit art exhibitions?
This lecture will guide you on what to look for in an exhibition, how to view it, and where to go for it.
Together, let’s uncover the keys to unlocking the infinite world of art.
Lecture Outline:
🍽Light meal will be provided for this event. We sincerely look forward to the presence of all faculty, staff, and students at the lecture! 🍽
👉👉Sign up now:https://reurl.cc/vp58ll
※This event will be conducted in Chinese.
展期一:p.m. 12:00-18:00 Dec. 18, 2024
展期二:a.m. 10:00-18:00 Dec. 19, 2024
Self-Direct Learning Project “Introduction to Humanities and Tea Science: Basic Sensory Evaluation” Final Exhibition at the 2nd Tea Art and Culture Exchange Exhibition.
The semester projects from the Tea Culture Pathways group of the course “Introduction to Humanities and Tea Science: Basic Sensory Evaluation” will be presented in the 2nd Tea Art and Culture Exchange Exhibition. Kindly invite all of you to visit the exhibition and contemplate the imagination and future of ‘tea culture' together. Students have combined what they’ve learned in class, incorporating elements such as mindfulness-based stress reduction, sensory healing, and their personal interests—such as photography, Tai Chi, and bartending—with "tea," enriching and interpreting the practice of tea culture and aesthetics.
The 2nd Tea Art and Culture Exchange Exhibition
Exhibition Schedule:
Period One: December 18, 2024: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Period Two: December 19, 2024: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Location: Xin Chuan 95 (Garage Coffee)
Over the two-day exhibition, we will showcase the tea ceremony aesthetics and designs from various schools and organizations including Taiwanese tea art displays and Japanese matcha utensils. The semester projects from the Tea Culture Pathways group of the course “Introduction to Humanities and Tea Science: Basic Sensory Evaluation” will also be presented in the exhibition. The NCCU Calligraphy Club is invited to join us in this event, which adds a special touch to the exhibition. During the tea gathering, we will use the crops and teas from petty farmers who are practicing friendly farming in Maokong and the Greater Wenshan area. We look forward to conveying the concept of 'food and agriculture education' to the public through practical actions and a solid theoretical foundation.
二、開課教師完成「教學助理補助申請表」填寫後,請以PDF 檔上傳至本校TA 申請平台(TA申請平台網址:https://ta.nccu.edu.tw/,請以 Chrome 瀏覽器開啟)。
四、依規定,討論課與演習課教學助理每週應安排固定的時間進行討論課或演習課,每次課程以50 分鐘為原則。實作課教學助理應隨堂協助教師,或於正課外另安排固定時間指導學生實作。
五、如有任何垂詢,請洽教發中心陳小姐(分機62869),聯絡信箱:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。
深耕計畫推動成果相關校園新聞 |
類別 |
上線日期 |
經驗分享 | 2024-10-30 00:00 | |
教學精進 | 2024-10-23 00:00 | |
教學精進 | 2024-09-16 00:00 | |
經驗分享 | 2024-08-29 00:00 | |
經驗分享 |
2024-08-28 00:00 |
跨域合作 |
2024-08-26 00:00 |
跨域合作 |
2024-07-12 00:00 |
跨域合作 |
2024-07-12 00:00 |
自主學習 |
2024-06-27 00:00 |
教學精進 |
2024-06-25 00:00 |
經驗分享 |
2024-06-25 00:00 |
教學精進 |
2024-06-25 00:00 |
數位學習 |
2024-06-24 00:00 |
教師社群 |
2024-06-11 00:00 |
自主學習 |
2024-05-17 00:00 |
跨域合作 |
2024-05-14 00:00 |
跨域合作 |
2024-02-23 00:00 |
跨域合作 |
2024-02-20 00:00 |
自主學習 |
2024-01-16 00:00 |
教學助理 |
2024-01-12 00:00 |
教學精進 |
2024-01-12 00:00 |
教師社群 |
2024-01-12 00:00 |
跨域合作 |
2024-01-10 00:00 |
跨域合作 |
2024-01-08 00:00 |
經驗分享 |
2023-12-29 00:00 |
類別 |
標題 |
網址 |
刊登日期 |
跨域合作 |
文組生新職缺:AI專案「領域專家」 政大設計思考課,先了解機器笨在哪 |
https://www.cw.com.tw/article/5132641 | 2024-11-12(天下雜誌) |
跨域合作 |
高中生體驗大學課程 北市教育局攜手政大開設微課程 |
https://www.ner.gov.tw/news/67204e62c77ec200227e3d9d | 2024-10-29(國立教育廣播電臺) |
跨域合作 |
逾萬學生參與跨域課程 政大幫助文組生裝上「AI翅膀」 |
https://udn.com/news/story/6885/8130919 | 2024-08-01(聯合新聞網) |
跨域合作 |
優人神鼓創辦人政大開課 結合文化祭典、身體探索 |
2024-07-15(中央社) |
自主學習 |
政大開設自主通識課 搭建竹屋學習傳統工法技藝 |
2024-05-29(中央社) |
跨域合作 | 北榮名醫在政大授課 清大、陽交大、聯合學生也可選 | https://udn.com/news/story/6928/7787629 | 2024-02-23(聯合新聞網 |