敬祝 學安
The NCCU Class Selection Schedule for 2025 Spring Semester (Announcement)
The NCCU Class Selection Schedule for 2025 Spring Semester is posted, please visit the website (http://aca.nccu.edu.tw/download/course/course_schedule(1132).pdf), and follow the procedures to do the on-line enrollment.
Best Regards
Registration Office
- 請全校學生於規定期限內透過以下管道,以電子郵件帳號密碼踴躍填答:
(2)手機或平板行動裝置已安裝「行動政大」APP者,請點選「nami」功能鍵。若尚未安裝,請各位同學自行至Google Play(Android系統)或App Store(iOS系統)等線上應用商店免費下載使用,或點選以下網址:
「行動政大」App on the Google Play for Android:
「行動政大」App on the App Store for iOS:
- 各科目教學意見調查包含「期末教學意見調查」、「核心能力自評」、「關鍵能力提升情形調查」及「彈性授課課程安排滿意度調查」,任一項目未填答視為未完成,請同學填答後務必回到系統之課表頁面,確認問卷與核心能力是否皆已完成填答,以免因操作問題影響選課點數的配發。
- 教學問卷中計有10題,採5分量表計分,填答「非常同意」得10分,「同意」得8分,「普通」得6分,「不同意」得4分,「非常不同意」得2分,經加總平均所有有效問卷後的分數,將作為該科目教學滿意度的量化計算基準,由於事關教師教學成果的評價,務請各位同學審慎填答。
- 如課程有設定核心能力,在同學填寫完教學意見調查問卷,按下「確認&下一步」後,將自動帶往自評系統填答。
- 配合選課系統加入各授課教師前六學期教學意見調查結果供選課同學參考,同學對老師教學的滿意度及相關意見將成為後續學弟妹選課時的重要參考依據,務請各位同學審慎填答。
- 調查結果以匿名方式呈現,並不會影響您的學業成績,請放心填答。
End-of-Semester Course Evaluation Survey Start!
To enhance mutual-understanding between professors and students and to ensure quality of teaching in the university, the “End-of-Semester Course Evaluation Survey” will be started on December 16, 2024 (Monday) and will be ended by January 5, 2025 (Sunday). Please take your time to finish the survey within the deadline.
- You can get into the Online Survey via the following link using your email account and password:
On NCCU official website www.nccu.edu.tw, log in to“iNCCU”, look for Campus Information System→ Campus Web info. portal →Students→ Academics ,choose “Course Evaluation Survey”system. The direct link would be: https://moltke.nccu.edu.tw/SSO/startApplication?name=inccustucmt
- Each subject’s Course Evaluation Survey consists of 4 parts: “Course Evaluation Questionnaires,” “Core Capability Evaluation,” “Key Competency Assessment” and “Flexible Course Scheduling Satisfaction Survey.” If either of the parts is unanswered, the survey will be deemed as incomplete, and so it will affect the distribution of your “points for course selection” on the system. Please go back to the page of course list to check if both parts are answered for every subject.
- There are 10 questions on the questionnaires, using the Likert-type scale for scaling, with Strongly Agree (10 points), Agree (8 points), Somewhat Agree (6 points), Disagree (4 points), and Strongly Disagree (2 points) being the typical format of a 5-level Likert items. After summing up and analyzing the valid questionnaires, a score will be given as the base of that particular subject’s quantitative survey result. Since your response will be used to evaluate the professor’s teaching performance, please do fill out the survey cautiously.
- If a course has set the “Core Capability Evaluation” on the survey, after completing the “Course Evaluation Questionnaires” and click on “Submit/Save,” the system will automatically direct you to the “Core Capability Evaluation” part of the survey.
- Every professor’s Course Evaluation Surveys of the last 6 semesters are going to be incorporated in the course selection system, thus your response on professor’s teaching quality and performance will surely serves as important reference for future students. Please do fill them out with cautiousness.
- Please be assured that the survey result will be presented anonymously and will not affect your grades.
Wish you all the best in the Final Exam!
(三) 因應高等教育發展趨勢,將優先鼓勵發展雙語教學、 SDGs永續發展及「跨領域」、「自主學習」為導向所進行之創新/新興課程方案建構、教學方法探究、教材教具研發、教學效能或教學品質提升、學習評量改善或學生學習成效促進等與教學相關範疇申請案。
The Office of Academic Affairs, Teaching Development Center, is now accepting applications for the Teaching Improvement Experimental Program for the fall semester of the academic year 2024-2505!
The Teaching Improvement Experimental Program for the fall semester of the academic year 2024-2025 is limited to undergraduate courses. Interested faculty members are encouraged to apply!
1.Application Method:Applications must be submitted by the course instructors. After completing the application form, please save the file with the name "1132 Teaching Improvement Experimental Program Application: [Applicant's Name]" and upload the electronic file to https://ta.nccu.edu.tw/.
2.Application Period:From now until 5:00 PM on December 27, 113th year. Late submissions will not be accepted.
3.Priority Areas:In response to trends in higher education development, the program prioritizes proposals focused on bilingual education, SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and those oriented towards "interdisciplinary learning" and "autonomous learning." This includes constructing innovative/new course frameworks, exploring teaching methods, developing teaching materials and tools, improving teaching efficiency or quality, enhancing assessment methods, or promoting student learning outcomes in relevant teaching-related areas.
4.Application Forms:Word document templates can be downloaded from the "Download Section" on the Teaching Development Center website at: https://learning.nccu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/612.
主講人:趙孝萱 博士(何創時書法藝術基金會創時書院院長)
👉👉活動報名系統: https://reurl.cc/vp58ll
I’m Either Viewing an Exhibition or On My Way to One
Time: December 20 (Friday), 12:00-14:00
Venue: The 5th Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Administration Building
Speaker: Dr. Chao Hsiao-Hsuan (Principal, CS Academy, HCS Calligraphy Art Foundation)
Have you been to an art exhibition? Perhaps what comes to mind is a space with paintings hung on the walls.
So, is an art exhibition merely a space where paintings are displayed? The answer is yes, but also no.
Do you really know how to view an art exhibition? You may think, “Isn’t it just looking with your eyes?” Again, the answer is yes, but also no.
- Some people look like artists but aren’t.
- Some objects look like artworks but aren’t.
To truly understand, we need to develop the discernment to recognize “artists” and “artworks.”
How can we learn to understand an art exhibition?
Are there methods and techniques for appreciating art exhibitions?
Why is it crucial to view the original works of art?
Where can we see these originals?
When facing a piece of art, what steps and layers should we follow to appreciate it?
Let’s go deeper: Why should we even visit art exhibitions?
This lecture will guide you on what to look for in an exhibition, how to view it, and where to go for it.
Together, let’s uncover the keys to unlocking the infinite world of art.
Lecture Outline:
- What kind of people are artists?
- What exactly is an artwork?
- Are these objects actually art?
- Why is it important to view original artworks?
- How should we approach exhibitions in museums?
- Where else can we visit exhibitions?
- The multiverse of art appreciation
- Why should we attend art exhibitions?
🍽Light meal will be provided for this event. We sincerely look forward to the presence of all faculty, staff, and students at the lecture! 🍽
👉👉Sign up now:https://reurl.cc/vp58ll
※This event will be conducted in Chinese.
展期一:p.m. 12:00-18:00 Dec. 18, 2024
展期二:a.m. 10:00-18:00 Dec. 19, 2024
Self-Direct Learning Project “Introduction to Humanities and Tea Science: Basic Sensory Evaluation” Final Exhibition at the 2nd Tea Art and Culture Exchange Exhibition.
The semester projects from the Tea Culture Pathways group of the course “Introduction to Humanities and Tea Science: Basic Sensory Evaluation” will be presented in the 2nd Tea Art and Culture Exchange Exhibition. Kindly invite all of you to visit the exhibition and contemplate the imagination and future of ‘tea culture' together. Students have combined what they’ve learned in class, incorporating elements such as mindfulness-based stress reduction, sensory healing, and their personal interests—such as photography, Tai Chi, and bartending—with "tea," enriching and interpreting the practice of tea culture and aesthetics.
The 2nd Tea Art and Culture Exchange Exhibition
Exhibition Schedule:
Period One: December 18, 2024: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Period Two: December 19, 2024: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Location: Xin Chuan 95 (Garage Coffee)
Over the two-day exhibition, we will showcase the tea ceremony aesthetics and designs from various schools and organizations including Taiwanese tea art displays and Japanese matcha utensils. The semester projects from the Tea Culture Pathways group of the course “Introduction to Humanities and Tea Science: Basic Sensory Evaluation” will also be presented in the exhibition. The NCCU Calligraphy Club is invited to join us in this event, which adds a special touch to the exhibition. During the tea gathering, we will use the crops and teas from petty farmers who are practicing friendly farming in Maokong and the Greater Wenshan area. We look forward to conveying the concept of 'food and agriculture education' to the public through practical actions and a solid theoretical foundation.
二、開課教師完成「教學助理補助申請表」填寫後,請以PDF 檔上傳至本校TA 申請平台(TA申請平台網址:https://ta.nccu.edu.tw/,請以 Chrome 瀏覽器開啟)。
四、依規定,討論課與演習課教學助理每週應安排固定的時間進行討論課或演習課,每次課程以50 分鐘為原則。實作課教學助理應隨堂協助教師,或於正課外另安排固定時間指導學生實作。
五、如有任何垂詢,請洽教發中心陳小姐(分機62869),聯絡信箱:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。
- Applications for teaching assistant subsidies for discussion classes, exercise classes, and practical classes for the spring semester of academic year 2024 will be accepted until 5:00 PM, Friday, December 27, 2024.
- After the course instructor completes the "Teaching Assistant Subsidy Application Form," please upload it as a PDF file to the university's TA application platform (TA application platform website: https://ta.nccu.edu.tw/, please open in Chrome browser).
- Relevant forms can be downloaded from the "Teaching Assistant Section" on CTLD website: http://learning.nccu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/612
- According to the regulations, teaching assistants for discussion and exercise classes should schedule fixed times each week to conduct discussion and exercise classes, with each class lasting 50 minutes. Teaching assistants for practical classes should assist the instructor during class or arrange fixed times outside of regular class hours to guide students in practical work.
- For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Chen at CTLD (extension 62869), email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.