






  1. 目前有112-2學期以前的所有資料
  2. 1/8(三)-1/14(二)正在整理與備份舊資料
  3. 資料整理期間,您有可能會看不到過往課程


  1. 目前有113-1學期的資料,1/15(三)開始可以看到112學年課程
  2. 為轉移112學年課程至新平台,預計1/13(一)9:00-1/14(二)17:00停機
  3. 1/16(四)9:00-12:00預計上架113-2學期課程


  1. 直接在新平台就能匯入112學年課程設置
  2. 匯入相關操作請參閱:https://bit.ly/4fRS2Dd



如有需要協助的地方,歡迎與 Moodle 諮詢團隊聯絡


教務處教學發展中心 Moodle 諮詢專線:02-29393091 # 62853

業務代理承辦人:教務處教學發展中心 沈映瑢 #62405

The Moodle Platform Maintenance Status Notice

Considering the complexity of the backup and restoration procedures during the platform transition in the 2024-2025 academic year, the Center for Teaching and Learning Development (CTLD), in collaboration with the Computer Center and external vendors, will transfer the course data from the 2023-2024 academic year to the new Moodle platform. Therefore, both the old and new Moodle platform will require maintenance in the near future. Details are provided below:

The Old Moodle Platform

  1. Currently contains all data up to the spring semester of the 2024 academic year.
  2. From January 8 (Wed) to January 14 (Tue), 2025 the data is being organized and backed up.
  3. During the data organization period, you may not be able to access past courses.

The New Moodle Platform

  1. Currently contains data of the fall semester of the 2024 academic year. Course data from the 2023-2024 academic year will be available starting January 15 (Wed) 2025.
  2. The system will be down from 9:00 AM on January 13 (Mon) to 5:00 PM on January 14 (Tue) 2025 for the transfer of the 2023-2024 academic year's courses to the new platform.
  3. The spring semester of the 2025 academic year courses are expected to be uploaded between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM on January 16 (Thu).

Actions Teachers Can Take After the Platform Maintenance

  1. Directly import courses from the 2023-2024 academic year into the new platform.
  2. For instructions on how to import, please refer to https://bit.ly/4fRS2Dd.

Starting from the 2025-2026 academic year, the Moodle platform and related services will be managed by the Computer Center.

Platform consultation service will still be provided by CTLD during the spring semester of the 2025 academic year .

If you need any help, feel free to contact the Moodle support team.

Our service email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它

CTLD Moodle consultation hotline: 02-29393091 # 62853

Contact person: Ying-Jung Shen, CTLD, Office of Academic Affairs #62405


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