




  1. 自114年1月20日開放線上列印繳費單及繳費,「申請住宿」及「申辦減免」之同學申辦完成並更新繳費單後,確認繳費單金額無誤再進行繳費事宜。
  2. 繳費單由本校首頁點選在校學生,選取「學雜(分)費繳費專區」,進入「學雜、學分費查詢及列印」查詢本學期繳費資料及列印繳費單。或由第一銀行網站列印繳費單: 第e學雜費入口網,身分驗證碼為學生西元出生年月日後六碼。


  1. 113學年度第2學期註冊繳費期限至114年2月21日止。自114年2月22日至114年3月7日止逾期未繳費同學,將無法使用信用卡及超商繳費,僅限至全國第一銀行臨櫃或ATM(含網銀)繳費,未於114年2月21日期限內完成註冊者視為延誤註冊,將依國立政治大學學則第十三條規定辦理,請同學注意繳費截止時間。
  2. 出納組周一至週五10:30-13:00及2月21日(星期五)繳費截止日當天9:30-15:30設有第一銀行臨時駐點櫃台提供現金收費服務,請同學多加利用。如有繳費疑問可致電出納組:校內分機62127。


  1.  本階段於114年3月24日開始收費,並同時開放列印繳費單,繳款方式同第一階段繳費之第二項。
  2. 本階段繳費截止日為114年5月2日,逾期未繳費者,依本校學則第19條規定,該科成績以零分計算。學生於當學期休學截止日前經專案申請核准補繳者,除應繳納原規定各項費用外並加收滯納金。滯納金依逾期天數計算,每逾二日按原應繳費用總額百分之一收取,以收取應繳費用總額百分之十五為上限且不逾新臺幣二千元。請同學務必注意繳費截止時間
  3. 學士班學生因故未能畢業而留校補修學分者,應於第一階段先繳交平安保險費及資訊設備使用費(未按時繳交者依延誤註冊之規定處分),並於第二階段再繳納學分費或學雜費。

Payment: Stage I, before February 21, 2025 (Friday)  

1.Starting on January 20, 2025, tuition statement can be downloaded from the following webpage.

https://moltke.nccu.edu.tw/stuschfee_SSO/index.jsp &


※The last six numbers of date of birth (YYYYMMDD) is required for verification.

2.The deadline for the tuition payment of spring semester 2025 is February 21,2025 (Friday). The bank may no longer process the payment after the above-mentioned date, and late payments will be dealt with according to article 13 of National Chengchi University Regulations.

3.Students can make the payment by cash with the Tuition Fee Payment Slip at any branch of First Commercial Bank in Taiwan. A temporary on-campus teller of First Commercial Bank is set up at Counter No. 8, Cashier Office, located on the 5th Floor of Administration Building.

Business hours:

10:30-13:00, Monday ~Friday,09:30-15:30 on February 21

For any inquiries, please contact the university’s Cashier Office at Ext. 62127.


Payment: Stage II, before May 2, 2025 (Friday)

  1. Students can download the Stage II tuition statement online from March 24, 2025.Stage II payment follows the payment procedure detailed in Item 1 of Stage I.
  2. The deadline for the payment of credit fees for the spring semester of 2025 is May 2, 2025 (Friday). Students must make the payment according to the methods stated on the payment slip before the above-mentioned date. The bank may no longer process the payment after the above-mentioned date. And late payments will be dealt with according to article 19 of National Chengchi University Regulations.

Article 19 of National Chengchi University Regulations :

Students will be given a grade of zero during course assessment if they fail to pay the fees above within the given deadline. Students who have been approved to make retroactive payments before the suspension of study deadline of the current semester should be charged late fees in addition to the original fees. Late fees are calculated according to the number of days past due. It is calculated as 1% of the original fee for every two days past due, up to a maximum of 15% of the original fee and less than NT$2,000.

  1. Undergraduate students that are unable to graduate on time and remain on campus to complete the required number of credits should pay the insurance and IT equipment fees during Stage I of tuition payment (Students who pay fees late will be disciplined according to the regulations of the Registration Section), and then pay the per credit fees and additional school fees during Stage II. 
地址:116台北市文山區指南路二段64號 行政大樓四樓  電話:886-02-29393091  傳真:886-2-29394044  
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