
2023-24 academic year 16+2-week semester plan Q&A

In conjunction with the 2023-24 academic calendar, the Office of Academic Affairs hereby provides faculty members simplified Q&As for course planning in the first semester, so as to facilitate the implementation of these courses and maintain the existing course contents and teaching results.



Does the 16+2-week semester plan means that classes will only be conducted for 16 weeks and no classes for the remaining two weeks?


Although up to two weeks may be reserved for supplementary teaching in the 2023-24 academic year, courses shall still be planned and implemented based on an 18-week period. For the supplementary teaching weeks, faculty may prepare supplementary or extended materials or experimental innovative teaching in the forms of in-person lessons, online learning, cross-disciplinary self-learning, etc.




What if the scope of the course is extensive and cannot be covered within 16 weeks?


For foundation courses, in-person lessons may still be held for the final two weeks to add more breadth and depth to the course contents if there is no supplemental material.




I am a part-time teacher currently getting paid based on an 18-week period. As a semester is now changed to a 16+2-week period, will it affect my remuneration?


As the 18-week period is still adopted for the planning and implementation of courses, part-time teachers will continue to be remunerated based on an 18-week period.




My course has been adjusted to a 15+3-week semester plan by NCCU. Can I proceed with such class schedule?


In conjunction with adjustments to the academic calendar, the 15+3-week flexible semester plan will not be implemented in the 2023-24 academic year. All 15+3-week courses that have been approved by the NCCU Curriculum Committee shall be adjusted to be based on a 16+2-week semester plan for the 2023-24 academic year.




The academic calendar designates the 17th and 18th weeks as the weeks for supplementary teaching. Does this mean that supplementary classes must take place at the end of semester?


While the 17th and 18th weeks are designated as the supplementary teaching weeks, the actual supplementary teaching may still be designated in any week of the semester by faculty members based on teaching needs.




Can supplementary teaching take whichever form?


Faculty may plan the supplementary weeks in the form of supplementary teaching, diverse extended teaching, or experimental innovative teaching. The following methods are recommended for reference:


1.  Classroom-based teaching

1)    For practice-oriented courses (fiction, nonfiction prose, practical writing, research methodology, etc.), faculty members are advised to collect students’ end-of-term assignments on the 16th week, and conduct feedback and discussions during in-person lessons on the last two (supplementary) weeks, which are advised to be included in grading.

2)    For the final two weeks, faculty members may conduct general recapitulation, review, or group presentations for the course.

3)    Faculty members may also plan for student to give presentations on their thinking process or ideology underpinning their productions (including design program) for the term.

4)    It is recommended that for foundation courses, in-person lessons may still be held for the final two weeks to add more breadth and depth to the course contents if there is no supplemental material.


2.  Online learning

1)    Online teaching (synchronous, asynchronous, and hybrid) can be implemented in the final two weeks of the semester, and different forms of teaching such as group presentations, exchange of opinion, or supplementary lectures can be conducted.

2)    Faculty can use various digital courses (such as MOOCs, Open Course Ware (OCW), and master class lectures) available on the NCCU Digital Knowledge City website according to the academic subjects of individual courses to conduct flipped classroom teaching during the semester or in the final two weeks of the semester. If MOOCs are used in a course during the semester, it is recommended to use the existing course completion mechanism of MOOCs for the course review.

3.  Cross-disciplinary self-learning

1)    For courses that are practice-oriented, it is recommended that the mid-term examination week plus one week before and after this week may be used to give more time for short-term (sabbatical) study tours in Taiwan or abroad, service-based learning, or seminars in Taiwan or abroad, which may be helpful in connecting theory and practice.

2)    Faculty may arrange visits to or experiential sessions at government agencies, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations participating in industry-academia cooperation in the final two weeks.

3)    Faculty may arrange relevant social practices or community services (such as local or indigenous community services and digital learning partners) during the semester or in the final two weeks.

4)    Faculty may encourage students to participate in extracurricular lectures, forums, exhibitions, or other learning activities related to the course in the final two weeks.




Can the mid-term and final examination weeks be used for supplementary teaching?


The mid-term and final examination weeks belong in the 16-week teaching period. Faculty members may invigilate the examinations or give lectures in person, or assign other faculty members or teaching assistants to invigilate exams on their behalf during these weeks.




How do I let students learn about the course contents I have planned?


Faculty may design their courses as either an “18-week classroom-based,” “17+1-week,” or “16+2-week” on the syllabus maintenance system. Weekly progresses and course requirements shall also be elaborated in detail in each syllabus to facilitate the learning of students.




According to the academic calendar, the mid-term and final examination weeks may be designated at the discretion of individual faculty members. I expect a large number of students enrolled for my course. If I am considering moving the final examination date to the 16th week. Is there any venue in the Siwei Hall available for examination at that time?


After discussing with the Office of Academic Affairs, we will not lend out the Si Wei Hall for examination outside the mid-term and final examination weeks, as large venues are typically required for large-scale events on campus at the end of a semester. Based on current practice, the Siwei Hall examination venue borrowing service will be made available on the nineth week (for mid-term exam) and the 18th week (for final exam).




The academic calendar states that the mid-term and final examination weeks may be used at the discretion of individual faculty member. Does the Office of Academic Affair still offer examination printing service in those periods?


The Curriculum Section of the Office of Academic Affairs continues to provide printing service and blank examination papers for quizzes, and mid-term and final examinations throughout the semester, regardless of the adjustments to the duration of a semester.




Will the schedule of mid-term and end-of-term teaching evaluation surveys be adjusted?


The 2023-24 academic year still consists of 18 weeks according to the academic calendar. Therefore, the schedule of teaching evaluation surveys will not be adjusted. The mid-term survey will take place one week prior to the mid-term examination week (the eighth week), and the end-of-term survey will take place from the 15th to 17th week.




In response to the 16+2-week semester plan, is there any change to the student grade submission deadline?


The grade submission period will still be determined based on final examination week specified on the 2023-24 academic calendar. That is, the starting date of grade submissions is the first day of the final examination week, and the end date is determined in accordance with the NCCU University Regulations.




Will the 16+2-week calendar affect the employment period of teaching assistants?


Although courses for the 2023-24 academic year may use up to two weeks for supplementary teaching, these courses are still planned and implemented based on an 18-week format. Therefore, the employment of teaching assistants is still scheduled to end on the 18th week.




Are there any resources and supporting systems for supplementary teaching in NCCU?


The Center for Teaching and Learning Development and the Center for General Education will organize various physical and online events, as well as workshops, on innovative teaching. In addition, the Xperimental College Preparatory Office will also plan for events on innovative teaching. Inquiries from faculty interested in such resources are welcome.





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